Friday 29 January 2010

Blarg I am ded

Ok, this blog makes for pretty depressing read so far, I know. I'll have to live a more exciting life so I have cool stuff to blog about. Like the giant chunk of chocolate cake I just ate! I'm kinda regretting it now, but being a fat kid, I do love cake.

So I figured it out. I have 6 weeks of being a worthless bum left. Then I'll start training to be a fucking bus driver. So 2 years of that and I'll be free. I'll also be 30 years old. Kinda depressing huh?

I've always fancied the emergency services as a job, with my personality, I think I would be well suited to a job like that. I'm fairly laid back and can keep a cool head in a crisis. It's also very much in my nature to help people. I looked at the ambulance service, but I didn't have the particular driving licence to go for it, I also kinda feel now that it doesn't appeal to me as much, what if someone died while I was trying to help them? Or because I made a mistake? So I looked at the police, which is so hard to get into, even my brother couldn't manage. I doubt I'd even make it through the paper sift. So it leaves me with the fire service. When I was looking at their website and testimonials, it really appealed to me. I think it's the kind of job I could do well and really enjoy. So I guess thats kinda my plan. Spend 2 years on the buses, (maybe) start transitioning, be ready to apply for the fire service.

I also just bought Biffy Clyro's album puzzle. I dont know why I waited so long to buy it, I've known about these guys and liked their music for years. I went for a period there not really buying any music, but I have been this last wee while. I'm gonna try pick up their other albums this weekend.

In other news, I seem to have suddenly become really quite good at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It took me a wee bit of getting used to the new maps and guns (I was a COD 4 fan), but I seem to have managed it. I was playing online with my brother the other day and we were fucking kicking ass! My brother and I are life long gamers, we grew up playing games like Double Dragon Streets of Rage 2 together, we work together as a team fantastically well. I'm very much enjoying this game. Although I don't get to play with him as much as he now lives with his gf who doesn't like computer games. So often our gaming sessions end with him saying "*** has just said to me 'are you going to spend any time with me tonight?'". Poor guy. M has been really good about me playing it though, which is very much appreciated.

So here's some videos, cos I like videos.

I used to watch this as a kid!

This guy's good!

I used to go the wee axe guy, my brother was always the big guy.

Power up!

I always used to go this guy, Max. My brother would be the wee kid Skate, or Axel

Now I want to play sega lol

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